understanding and types of Routing Protocols One of the functions of the IP protocol is the form of connection from different forms of diff...
Media Transmission  Directed Media (Guided Transmission Data) A medium used to transmit data, where the midpoint of one with the other end ...
various network devices that can be traversed by the TCP / IP protocol, as well as the transmission medium used up to the channeling device....
Layer Concepts and Uses  Many uses are derived from smaller functional divisions or so-called layers. The definite usefulness is to reduce...
Understanding and Types of OSI Layer The OSI OSI model layer consists of 7 layers. Where the top of the layer (layers 7, 6, and 5) is f...
Layers of the TCP / IP Protocol As with software, TCP / IP is built into Like software, TCP / IP is formed in multiple layers. Made in la...
Internet history in the world Networks began to be built in the 60s and 70s, with much research on packet-switching, collision detectio...
Get to know Nmap and explain it Nmap stands for Network Mapper, an open source tool used specifically for network exploration and n...